Who’s Bed Have Your Boots Been Under?

#Music post: I wrote most of this post back in September of 2022… but I never published it. I’m not really sure why- but it’s worked out because a new album came out on Friday that has a lot of people talking.

I listen to a ton of music.

I have quite a few albums that fall into my favorites. I was surprised to see that a number of my favorite tracks were produced by Robert John "Mutt" Lange.

It’s crazy to think that one of the songs that I sang at my wedding was produced by Lang:

Beyonce has a country album now. All the country purests are heading for the hills and shouting their disapproval from the moutaintops. Then, there’s DOLLY PARTON:

While the first SINGLE Texas Hold Em is on the charts, another song on this album really caught my attention. DAUGHTER

I’ve got a lot of new music that I’ve been listening to… but that isn’t going to get into this post.

More to come on the music front soon.


Cody Rhodes: Closing One Chapter and Embarking on a New Era


Help, It’s Sunday Night: 10 Ways to Ease Your Mind When it’s Racing Before the Week Ahead