Bring Boots & GYM Shoes to EVERY SESSION


Bring Boots & GYM Shoes to EVERY SESSION 〰️

The Building Blocks Soccer Program and Next Level Training is driven by the game, its players, coaches, and families.  This fundamental  approach allows for long-term development to occur through an understanding of what makes players successful as well as what makes the game FUN.  As the sport of soccer grows in the United States, young players need the proper environment to fall in love with the beautiful game and have fun learning the basic Building Blocks in a fun and safe environment.

The Building Blocks program was developed by Coach Ryan Sparks, a former President of SAY Soccer at the National and Area Levels (South-Eastern Indiana) has continued to expand his knowledge of the game and coaching certifications. In addition to his time with SAY Soccer, Coach Sparks has coached at Total Futbol Academy on both the boys and the girls sides and various levels. Coach Sparks is also currently serving as the Director Of Operations for Soccer Shots Northern Kentucky. Coach Sparks has over 25 years of coaching experience.

In the past, the Building Blocks Soccer Program was used in South-Eastern Indiana as part of SISAY by multiple member districts.  The Next Level Training program is an individual and small group training environment that allows for players to develop their skills at their own pace.

Soccer training sessions are not only meant to enhance players' technical skills but also to foster a positive learning environment. It has been widely observed that incorporating fun elements in training sessions tends to have a profound impact on players' motivation, engagement, and overall performance.

Introducing enjoyable activities during training sessions helps create a sense of enjoyment and pleasure among the players. When players have fun while learning new techniques or drills, they are more likely to be fully engaged and motivated to participate actively. This leads to greater skills development and an overall improvement in performance.

Incorporating fun in individual training sessions can help players maintain their enthusiasm and focus. With the increasing demand for individual training programs, it is essential to ensure that players remain motivated and committed to their personal development. By incorporating enjoyable elements, such as interactive exercises or games, players are more likely to adhere to their training routines and consistently work towards achieving their goals.

While the Next Level Training is paid individual and small group sessions, Coach Sparks is committed to offering families a cost-effective program: individual and small group sessions are the first part of the NEW BUILDING BLOCKS PROGRAM.

Our future goal with Building Blocks and Next Level Training is to find space to offer individual and small group sessions inside or in small group sessions. With the help of our 2023 crop of players, it is our hope to see the programs continue to grow in the future during this coming Fall Season.